
Full audio direction, music composition and sound design for this Mobile XR Game.

An explosive festival of frenetic percussion that weaves around the booms and roars of citywide battles contrasts with a serene, living forest of user-planted musical trees that sway in harmony with our reactive forest soundscapes.

Overbeast is a location-based augmented reality game from design practice Liquid City & big phone company Verizon where players work together to plant and nurture a shared forest, feed their beast, and watch Godzilla-scale creatures battle over the local skyline.

Sound-wise (and all-wise) it’s an ambitious project with some brand new challenges but, as frequent collaborators, Liquid City & Verizon brought us in for our proven track record for inventiveness and out-the-box-thinking. We were tasked with full audio direction, working closely with the developers to build creative and technical direction from the ground up.


The Overbeast project spanned a couple of years and our approach covered many different areas of expertise; all too much to discuss in one post. Read more about our process in these articles:

Skillbard’s work made the world feel alive and created an experience that people love to spend time in”

~Keiichi Matsuda, Founder of Liquid City

Music, Sound, Audio Systems



Taiko: Isaku Kageyama
Kanjira: Mt Aditya Srinivasan
Sheng: Josh Plotner
Xun: Josh Plotner
Hichiriki: Josh Plotner
Futujara: Josh Plotner
Udukkai: MT Aditya Srinivasan

Directed by

Keiichi Matsuda


Liquid City